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Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Why am I still lonely and do not have a girlfriend ?

Cause my parents would not let me go out with my friends at all during my school years.  As a result, I never seem to fully developed my social skills.  By the time I went to university, I felt totally awkward and uncomfortable with people around me.  Hence I never seem to make any long lasting friendships as many other friends claim to do so.  

Cause my confidence and self image is so fucked because of this. I cannot approach women easy as other seem to do so.  So I am 42 and have still never had a girlfriend, sex, anything at all. The one girl that did go out with me for a month (I can’t really count that as a relationship) parted ways citing the following: “You are too normal.  You are the first person that’s ever been nice and not abusive to me.  And nothing gets you mad so I don’t deserve someone like you, you’re the type of guy that dates like beauty queens, not girls like me.” I don’t even know how to respond to that.

Fuck me, right? That was an even bigger blow and that happened just in the past few months. Did not help one damn bit. I go from “not good enough” to “too good”. I don’t think so, but apparently so according to that one girl.
Hence fear of rejection sets in since school days.  These days, I rarely go out on dates, and even when I do, it is very rare that it goes beyond second date.  It's hard living with this feeling and being alone.  I am reminded of this saying ;
I must not fear.  Fear is the mind–killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.  I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.  Only I remain.
~ Dune by Frank Herbert

Maybe, just maybe, I am not meant to have a relationship at all.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Sometimes, the person who tries to keep
Everyone else happy
Is always the most
Lonely Person.

Is why I am so quiet
Keep within myself
Always want to please others

So never leave them alone,
Because they will never say

“I need you.”

I will say I need you
More than you ever know
No one realizes until it is too late.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


You would never guess it.

I was happy at work, everyone knows my name, everyone sees me as this outgoing, nice guy who really has it together. It’s ironic, because they would never guess that while everyone says merrily to each other, “Happy Friday!”.   I’m secretly dreading the fact that I’ll have another long weekend, bored and alone. 

I used to be happy.

I become extremely irritated when people say, “Oh my god, I have become such a loser after university- tee hee!” and then a day later you see them on Instagram/Facebook out with a group of friends that must have just mysteriously come out of nowhere.

I cannot even explain how many times I’ve said out loud to myself, “I don’t even know why I have a fucking phone as no one texts me.” And it’s true. My phone are solely my emails and internet.  I can go days at a time with no texts. I look at other people on the subway/shopping malls/bars who are typing away on their phones, buzzing with conversations, fulfillment, human interaction.

So, you may think I am getting ready for a night on the town. But I am sitting on my couch narrowing down my food delivery options on my laptop. The door will knock, and it only ever knocks for takeout that I order too much. I’ll sit here, hovering over the terrible comfort food, wolfing it in my mouth like a monster.

Then, when it’s all gone, I’ll curl back into my couch, my stomach full but heart empty. I willl think, what now? I look at clock, see the time is 10:00 PM — guess it is time for bed. I will always wonder how many people are like me.

And I wonder how long this loneliness will last.


So much for 30 day challenge...

Suffered a relapse from my depression that I had to spend a night at the hospital.  Didn't tell anyone cause I was embarrassed over my stupidity.

You see, I totally forgot to renew my prescription and couldn't do it over the Easter holidays.  I had to wait till Tuesday thus missing two days of Cipralex (anti-depression) medication.  I was shaking so bad on Sunday night and Monday morning.  Kept convincing myself that I will be fine once I take the medication first thing on Tuesday.

Unfortunately, I passed out and was out for like 5 hours.  Managed to wake up and called 911 and ask for help.

Totally sucks and totally hated hospitals.  Hated myself.   

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


One destructive habit is to constantly compare your life and yourself to other people and their lives. You compare cars, houses, jobs, shoes, money, relationships, social popularity and so on. And at the end of the day you create a lot of negative feelings within. And perhaps also outside of yourself.

1. Be Kind
Judge people more and you tend to judge yourself more.  Be more kind to other people and help them and you tend to be more kind and helpful to yourself.  The more you love other people, the more your love yourself.

2. Don’t fall into the trap of hero worship
When you start to make myths out of people - even though they may have produced extraordinary results - you run the risk of becoming disconnected from them. You can start to feel like you could never achieve similar things that they did because they are so very different. So it's important to keep in mind that everyone is just a human being no matter who they are.  Openness is in the long run more fun than being judgmental.

3. Just realize that you can't win
Just consciously realizing this can be helpful. No matter what you do you can pretty much always find someone else in the world that has more than you or are better than you at something. Yes, you may feel good for a while when you get a nicer car than you neighbor. But a week or two later you'll see someone from the next block with an even finer car than yours.

4. Give up both sides of comparing
If you can't stop doing the negative comparisons then stop doing them both. Because if you're in the head space where you compare to feel better about yourself then it's hard to stop it and not also start to compare in way that make you feel worse and inferior. So you may need to step out of that whole comparing habit because the two sides are often connected. Give up the upside to be able to move away from the downside.

5. Compare yourself to yourself.
Instead of comparing yourself to other people create the habit of comparing yourself to yourself. See how much you have grown, what you have achieved and what progress you have made towards your goals.

This habit has the benefit of creating gratitude, appreciation and kindness towards yourself as you observe how far you have come, the obstacles you have overcome and the good stuff you have done. You feel good about yourself without having to think less of other people.


This challenge is to make me to write a daily post onto my blog.  The last blog was 46 days after the previous post.  It’s not good as I am not tracking my progress and my goal to better my life.  Also by writing something everyday, it will get your creative juices following.

The next 30 days of blog post will consist of the following;
  • Positive Attitude towards Life.
  • Daily Progress of my cleaning.
  • Weekly Learning – Know something new each week, mostly tech and home reno stuff.
It may be a lot, but it should be inspirational for me if I am able to accomplish that.  And it will start on April 16 till May 16.  If I can do it, then kudos for me.


It’s been more than a month since I updated the blog.  Not sure why is that.  It’s what I have accomplished since my last post.

Veloster Turbo
  • Finally fixed the annoying bumper damage and repainted to match my car color and added white strip.
  • Added few mods – Oil Catch Can, Resonator Delete, Blue Washers,  Star Wars Decals and Suppliers Decals.
  • Thoroughly detailed my car as the Winter is finally over … Looking forward to going to eShine Open House to learn more on May 17.
Cleaning Progress
  • Bought 3 large bins from Home Depot on a sale and started going thru the main hall mess…unfortunately it’s a defeat feeling as all I am doing is moving things around...hence for some reason I have stopped cleaning.
  • Got inspired by my recent visit to IKEA and got some paint samples for the main room.  It’s gonna be light blue-grey color with white trims...This color will keep room feel cool and yet stylish. Also planned to get the doors painted glossy black to get some contrast.
  • I have finally got the daily morning routine going and getting into the habit of cleaning my kitchen and bathroom on the weekly basis.  So that’s my proud accomplishment since my last blog.  A small step towards reducing one-time massive cleaning.
Job Hunting
  • In the space of three days, I was pleasantly surprised to be head-hunted by several companies.  It made me feel good that they are sincerely interested in my talents.  Mercer, Canoe Financial LP, Pan Am Games and Home Depot all asked me if I was interested in their positions.  Naturally I said yes.  It’s been a while since I wore a suit or prepare for the interviews.
    • Pan Am Games – Their job position was to be a Aquatic Manager.  After reading their job description, I felt it would be more demanding than I thought.  I was not looking for more stress and pressure especially with overtime as the date for the Games draws closer.  It was tempting to accept it as it would be 2 year job.  I politely decline their interest in me.
    • Home Depot – Their job position was to be Senior Accountant.  I went for the interview and aced it.  Unfortunately, they felt that I am over-qualified for the position.  Bummer.
    • Canoe Financial LP – Their job position is Financial Fund Accountant.  I also aced two interviews with them.  But to date, I have not yet heard back from them.  At the advice from my brother, I am to be patient and wait for them.
    • Mercer – Their job position is Senior Operations Accountant.  I also aced several interviews and even had lunch with them.  This job interest me the most as it is very similar to Portfolio Accountant with FTI.  It was a period of time that I was most happy with and truly enjoyed my time.  Also still waiting to hear from them.

  • I have gotten two tattoos from BluGod.  On my left wrist is a saying “Live the LIVE you love.”  It’s a tribute to my years of battling the depression and a gentle reminder of what I have gone thru.   And also of how beautiful our life can be.  On my right wrist is a saying “Trust the FORCE.”  It’s a tribute to Star Wars and how much of it seems related to my life and my dreams of space.
  • I am also planning to get a couple more on my biceps.  I already have an “OM” on my right biceps and plan to get some space theme around it.  On my left side, I am planning another Star Wars tattoo.  The initial picture of it doesn’t seem too good at all, so it’s back to the internet for simpler design.  That will take a while to do so.