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Wednesday, January 1, 2014


My Plans for 2014 to Improve Your Own Life
  • Combat Hoarding:  As some of you know by now that my place is like a scene from the TLC show "Hoarding: Buried Alive".  While the place is not horrible as you see in that show.  When I was bored especially nothing to watch on TV, I found myself strangely attracted to this show.  I was curious as to what are the solutions and the outcomes.  Believe it or not, this show was an eye-opener.  
    • Health / Monetary Benefits :  I would be feel better and would be able to host some parties at home.  It's an important thing to do as socializing is an important part of your life.  Secondly, it would also help the way you're spending your money and be able to properly budget of your real needs.
    • Action Taken : Since November I have been taking concrete steps to improving my place.  Good news is that all of the garbage are gone.  The next phase is to sort out the junk and get rid of the wants and keeping the needs.  The key is knowing what part is important.
  • Make Good Use of Collections:  While hoarding, I have come across with various interesting items and some weird collections I got in life.  Like - stamps collection (abandoned), old NHL collection (abandoned), postcards and souvenirs from my travels (and some from my good buddies) and others to name a few.  My first task is seriously decide as to what is the collection I really want to keep and sustain in the long term.
    • Health / Monetary Benefits : It will really reduce your expenses and help you control your spending as it is obvious that I have way more stuff than I do really need.
    • Action Taken : Recently, I have decided to only keep a few collections that is deal to my heart largely from my experience as a kid on what made me happy - Star Wars and NHL (mostly Wayne Gretzky).  To the lesser extend the numismatic collection.  As for the rest, I will simply sell them off on and
  • Life Betterment: For me, having a group of close friends that you can count on and stay in touch with them.  As for others, it's just simply some friends that you see now and then and most forget about them till you know about in Facebook.  My goal is recognize some of those friends and strengthen our relationships.  Some friendships are meant to be treasured and others not so much.  Some will leave and some will re-kindle our relationships.  I will be trying not to let the emotions to get the best of me.
  • Job - Hunting:   As most of you know that I left my prior job where I have been there for nearly 18 years. It has come to a shock to great many friends who actually thought that I would be a "lifer" at this company.  I would too, but unfortunately the job stress, dealing with next to impossible boss, working long hours, no support from my immediate leader has lead to untenable situation which I could no longer tolerate.  I have been out of job since October 13 and yet after nearly 4 months, I do not yet feel ready to return to the "Rat Race".   As some of you do feel strongly about me not doing anything and take welfare / disability checks.  I am sorry for that, but it's something I need to do temporary.
Finally two most difficult subjects that I really want to tackle on this year;
  • Depression:  As some of you know that I have been battling depression for over 5 years now with no sign of improvement.  Sure, the medications are helping me to control my emotions and allow me to sleep better at night.  But it is a constant battle in my effort to be happy and trying to be in love.  The brightest moment was the surprise b-day party at Red Hot Poker Tour as it was totally unexpected with the cake and candles.  Secondly, a lot of well-wishers on FB just re-affirms my feelings that there are people who still care about me.  Those were the high moments of 2013.
  • Finding Love: Every New Year Eve's party, I have always dreamed of going to one of those swanky places and enjoy the countdown.  Then comes the ultimate kiss with the girl of your dreams.  But doesn't happen.  So I keep telling myself that next year will be better it has too.  But when you reach age of 40+ years old, you kind of wonder if you will ever find love or not ?
That's it for my first blog on the year.  

Happy New Year Everyone !


  1. Dont you mean get rid of the wants and keeping the needs
